ok so it is using:
1)qwert12345 plus shifts
1a)does not have to use all chars
1b)cannot use char more than once
2)in fixed order
3)with/out spaces before and after and in between chars
3a) with what was it 3-9 spaces in all? (i forgot what we said lol)
4)no double spaces.
5)10-19 chars
Can you set it where it has to start with a Q? excluding that it can beginning with or without a space. That should greatly reduce the numbers right?
Is that everything you did and we have talked about if i understand you correctly?
So all those rules allow passwords like this right?
"q WE r !@ 3 $%"
"q W E r ! @ 3 $ %"
"q W e R 1 @ 3 $ 5 "
From the original dict you sent it seemed to follow that.
I assume your math is right....so many variables i have no idea how to calculate that
I downloaded those dictionaries and i'll start trying them for kicks while i wait for your response. I hope i conveyed everything correctly to you. I also hope that maybe we missed something and the restated/added info can make a smaller list since i am currently stuck with TCBrute2 -_-
I really appreciate your help BTW!!!!
FYI TCBrute2 doesn't use all my CPU for some reason with 8 threads :/ my TDP chills at 30-35 and taskmanager and ThrottleStop report like 25% usage -_- Could go so much faster then 300-500 passwords a sec :/
I tried 16 threads and did nothing :/ Still same 300-500 passwords a second and same TDP
FYI also hope the ones i am currently trying to crack aren't upgraded containers...I think these were the first ones i used and never updated them with a new container. If i did i am boned for like 50 years rofl because i have no idea what keyfile i used or if i have it anymore hahaha.
(08-01-2014, 11:09 AM)SomeGuy Wrote: [ -> ]Can you set it where it has to start with a Q? excluding that it can beginning with or without a space. That should greatly reduce the numbers right?
You can do that yourself: Either sort the entries and pick the lines you want using an editor or get a program called "grep" (there should be a Windows version, too).
Using grep you find the lines you want by
grep '^ *Q' dictionary > possible_lines.txt
This will find all lines starting with "Q" or " Q".
If you use grep -i instead of plain grep, you should get the lower case variant, too.
(08-01-2014, 11:09 AM)SomeGuy Wrote: [ -> ]Is that everything you did and we have talked about if i understand you correctly?
(08-01-2014, 11:09 AM)SomeGuy Wrote: [ -> ]So all those rules allow passwords like this right?
"q WE r !@ 3 $%"
"q W E r ! @ 3 $ %"
"q W e R 1 @ 3 $ 5 "
All of these passwords are contained in the dictionary.
Good luck!
(08-01-2014, 01:20 PM)mkcon Wrote: [ -> ] (08-01-2014, 11:09 AM)SomeGuy Wrote: [ -> ]Can you set it where it has to start with a Q? excluding that it can beginning with or without a space. That should greatly reduce the numbers right?
You can do that yourself: Either sort the entries and pick the lines you want using an editor or get a program called "grep" (there should be a Windows version, too).
Using grep you find the lines you want by
grep '^ *Q' dictionary > possible_lines.txt
This will find all lines starting with "Q" or " Q".
If you use grep -i instead of plain grep, you should get the lower case variant, too.
(08-01-2014, 11:09 AM)SomeGuy Wrote: [ -> ]Is that everything you did and we have talked about if i understand you correctly?
(08-01-2014, 11:09 AM)SomeGuy Wrote: [ -> ]So all those rules allow passwords like this right?
"q WE r !@ 3 $%"
"q W E r ! @ 3 $ %"
"q W e R 1 @ 3 $ 5 "
All of these passwords are contained in the dictionary.
Good luck!
I need to sign up for that free linux class... I'll just let it power through the massive word dic lol. I have to find a way to run .tar on windows i guess lol. Meh too lazy
I'll post back in a few days after it processes all of these
35% through the 10-13 one
EDIT: I just ran two TCbrute2 programs and it was working like a charm. I finished both and...bust :/ Either i am missing a something on the password or i did update the TC containers to use a key file :/
or TCBrute2 doesn't work but i doubt that.
If i have read enough and understand key files it makes using dictionary attacks useless correct? You can brute force it but you literally have to try ever single char possible? If i got it down it takes the lets say 15 char password and uses the keyfile to covert it from adbc2335gg to grbthn46$^g. It doesn't make the password smaller or bigger but changes the entire scheme???
Maybe TCBrute 2 doesn't work? I ca do 500 passwords a second on my CPU using 50% of it at best but truecrack using a GTX 680 can only crack 370 a second? Something doesn't add up here :/ So frustrating
sorry for double post but want to make sure mkcon see this.
Yea TC Brute2 doesn't work -_- I make a new TC container using abc123 as the password and using AES-twofish-serpent with whirlpool has and it didn't find password -_- Just i need need to try trucrack when i get a chance.
(08-01-2014, 02:29 PM)SomeGuy Wrote: [ -> ]If i have read enough and understand key files it makes using dictionary attacks useless correct? You can brute force it but you literally have to try ever single char possible? If i got it down it takes the lets say 15 char password and uses the keyfile to covert it from adbc2335gg to grbthn46$^g. It doesn't make the password smaller or bigger but changes the entire scheme???
A keyfile is like a random (i.e. binary) 64 byte password derived from a file (or a bunch of files). This 64 byte password is added to your normal password yielding the final password which truecrypt uses.
If you know the keyfile(s), than you can do a dictionary attack. The keyfile changes only the way how truecrypt converts your password into an encryption key.
As i already told you, you can send me the first 512 bytes of your container per pm and will test the dictionary for you.
But you will certainly learn a lot of useful things if you try yourself and figure out how linux works.
yea i'll send it to you if i can't get it to work later down the road i appreciate the offer. From what i read the first 1024 bytes are used for the key file but i don't think that adds to the length of the PW but randomizes it more? I am not sure i was reading all of this at like 4am on different forums
don't laugh mkcon but how do i give you the first 512 bytes of the file or whatever. Do i just open it in notepad and copy the code? I have never done that before :/
(08-18-2014, 05:06 AM)SomeGuy Wrote: [ -> ]don't laugh mkcon but how do i give you the first 512 bytes of the file or whatever. Do i just open it in notepad and copy the code? I have never done that before :/
No. These bytes are binary values.
Download HxD (a free hex editor). Open the container in it, mark the first 512 bytes and copy them to a new file. This file you can send to me.