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OpenCL Build Error
When I run oclHashcat-plus I get the following error:

GPU-Loops: 128
GPU-Accel: 40
Password lengths range: 1 - 15
*** CAL version mismatch:
This OpenCL build requires version 1.4.879, version 1.4.635 installed.
Platform: AMD compatible platform found
ERROR: ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1

I am running Window 7 Professional 32bit
Graphics Card is ATI Radeon HD 5750
I have installed Catalyst 12.4 drivers
I have installed AMD-APP-SDK-v2.7-Windows-32.exe

Any ideas?

I cant say it often enough, dont install the SDK...

Try to uninstall it and pray the installer removes the correct opencl.dll
Thanks for the swift reply. I assume that if I uninstall and it still doesn't work I can manually remove the offending dll and then reinstall the drivers?
You can try.
I have reinstalled Windows 7 64bit(was previously 32bit).

Installed with standard Windows drivers for the Radeon HD 5750 card.

Downloaded Catalyst 12.4 drivers and installed (did not download and install SDK!).

Downloaded hashcat gui 0.5.1

Run oclExample400.cmd from the oclHascat-plus directory.

Still get the same error:

GPU-Loops: 64
GPU-Accel: 16
Password lengths range: 1 - 15
*** CAL version mismatch:
This OpenCL build requires version 1.4.879, version 1.4.635 installed.

That's about as standard an install as possible.

Any ideas?

Standard procedure that I've used many times:

1) Download Catalyst update to your hard drive.
2) If you don't already have it, download "Driver Sweeper".
3) Disconnect from network/Internet
4) Uninstall old Catalyst
5) Reboot into Safe Mode
6) Run Driver Sweeper, removing all ATI video drivers
7) Boot into regular Windows
8) Install new Catalyst
9) Reconnect to network

Deviating will generally produce poor results...

I've same problem, This OpenCL build requires version 1.4.879, version 1.4.635 installed.

I've just install
OpenCL1.2-Static-Cplus-preview-drivers-Windows.exe (from amd site)

after I compile and run, that work!