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Review - AMD Radeon R9 290X
I found this review of AMD Radeon R9 290X
what does that have to do with hashcat, or even with compute in general? reviews like this have been out there for well over a month now, and are completely worthless for our purposes. from a compute perspective, the 290X is a complete failure.
Where can I get this "b49" referenced in the first post? I am trying to get my R290 working.
You request a beta key, though I wouldn't count on it. We have a good number of beta testers already.
(11-25-2013, 10:09 PM)radix Wrote: You request a beta key, though I wouldn't count on it. We have a good number of beta testers already.

I have a 7970 in there as well I guess I'll just keep using that until the release.
these cards will throttle down like crazy this way. that stock cooler sucks really bad..
try getting them under water cooling, you will be happy with them trust me.
I had opportunity to do some limited testing with a couple of 290X. I had the same problems with varying (low) clocks even at really low temperatures until I set minimum clocks (ie. custom->aLevels[0]) to same value as the max clocks. After that it seems to work like a champ so far. And fortunately, if it reaches 94 degrees, it will still throttle way below the pegged minimum if needed.

Whoa, at 100% fans these cards sound like leaf blowers.
Would you be so kind as to post performance results? I'm particularly interested in descrypt and md5crypt.

hey magnum, interesting that you were able to set the minimum clocks and that resolved the problem. I attempted to do so as well as alluded to in my previous post / update, but was unsuccessful. however, this was using the first beta driver to support the card, so i wonder if it was fixed in a later driver.
Yeah I use a slightly newer beta. I'll post more results in a few days but as far as I can tell the problem with ever-changing clock figures is gone!