Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 08 Oct 2020, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

6.1.1 potfile
Hashcat for Windows, version 6.1.1 is not writing potfile. The file created is empty. No potfile switches used.

Password is found, but not written to potfile.
Please post your command line, with any sensitive info replaced with generic info
hashcat -m 6211 -a 3 -w 3 -i --session=ses ..\test\ ?b?b?b
the name of the potfile depends on the session name:
if you use --session ses , then your file name of the potfile is: ses.potfile
(09-08-2020, 12:50 PM)philsmd Wrote: the name of the potfile depends on the session name:
if you use --session ses , then your file name of the potfile is: ses.potfile

There is no such file created.

The only created file is hashcat.potfile with length of 0 bytes.
Filename of the container is so maybe filename with digits only is not accepted?
If you delete the empty potfile, is it recreated on the next run?
(09-09-2020, 03:09 AM)royce Wrote: If you delete the empty potfile, is it recreated on the next run?

Guys! This is really a problem!!

6.1.1 is not writing password to potfile after finding one!!
@philsmd, I can recreate this - for both TrueCrypt and Veracrypt, it seems, if a session is specified, but a potfile is not, then ses.potfile is not created on the fly that I can find (on Linux, anyway). Running the same command twice causes another crack (rather than skipping it as already having been cracked). And if I explicitly add "--potfile-path=ses.potfile",  it creates a potfile with zero length and nothing is written to it on crack.

Perhaps this is because TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt hashes are read directly from the container/volume? IIRC it used to store the filename in the potfile instead?