Old oclHashcat Support
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- can't get oclhashcat to work (10 Replies)
- TrueCrypt with GUI not working (2 Replies)
- Newbie - > 10 years to complete? (7 Replies)
- table attack? (1 Reply)
- possible bug in ?a on 1.31 (1 Reply)
- 4 graphic cards->ok, 5 graphiccards -> not ok (11 Replies)
- Need help with simple hashcat file (1 Reply)
- many dictonaries (5 Replies)
- Status Exhausted (8 Replies)
- How to use multiple dictionaries? (2 Replies)
- Bruteforce + dictionary attack (3 Replies)
- ocl1.31 + NVidia 343.22 - error cuModuleLoad() 301 (2 Replies)
- ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 209 - The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) 1.0.9 - cudahashcat-1.3.1 - newb (2 Replies)
- how to brute a few handshakes ? (6 Replies)
- CudaHashcat64 doesn't recocnize GPU? (7 Replies)
- Calculating --keyspace for attack mode 1 (4 Replies)
- No output file... why? (6 Replies)
- hashcat.hcstat: No such file or directory (3 Replies)
- OclHashcat 1.31 Session restore issue (3 Replies)
- oclHashcat 1.31 Fan control issue (9 Replies)