Old oclHashcat Support
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- oclHashCat on OS X (2 Replies)
- TC password found, wrong? (10 Replies)
- Help with hash type. (0 Replies)
- Support for Nvidia GeForce 9300M GS (7 Replies)
- Poll for new algorithm (1 Reply)
- ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5450 (11 Replies)
- Tesla K80 benchmark (4 Replies)
- First Time User - MD5 Help ("Updating" password w/ digits) (6 Replies)
- New Oclhashcat with keepass - 0 speed (3 Replies)
- Ocl + Cuda in parallel (2 Replies)
- 3 Questions:kHs, No Fan RPM, Speed (1 Reply)
- Multi-CPU utilization for combinator attack on a modern GPU (4 Replies)
- Debugging multi-rules (4 Replies)
- It is possible to use a apu and a discrete nvidia together (8 Replies)
- cuModuleLoad() 301 cudaHashcat scrypt (3 Replies)
- cudaHashcat 0 H/s bcrypt (7 Replies)
- clEnqueueWriteBuffer() -4 error when using more than 2 rule files (8 Replies)
- Bruteforce Keyspace Mythology (1 Reply)
- cudahashcat error (3 Replies)
- unable to crack scrypt digest (2 Replies)