Old oclHashcat Support
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- Problem with library (3 Replies)
- htpasswd decrypt ? (4 Replies)
- Output password verbose viewing for wpa-wpa2? (6 Replies)
- Maximum hashfile length (2 Replies)
- 2nd GPU very slow (14 Replies)
- Threaded Mode | Linear Mode VCL CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY & (Mis)configuration (4 Replies)
- Oclhashcat running slow? (2 Replies)
- Default custom charsets? (2 Replies)
- wpa/wpa2 brute force and mask attack (1 Reply)
- What is my failure in cli? (4 Replies)
- Mask Problems (9 Replies)
- HELP (6 Replies)
- Help with long salt (8 Replies)
- A 25 word list, with a 16 character mixAlphaNumeric salt, please help (11 Replies)
- error:clgetplatformids<> -1001 (3 Replies)
- Help with syntax of this command (5 Replies)
- Errorless Error - cudaHashcat64 (4 Replies)
- About add the ability to crack RSA or ECC with GPU (2 Replies)
- sha512crypt issue (9 Replies)
- Not working on Hainan (1 Reply)