Old oclHashcat Support
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- oclHashcat on a Mac (1 Reply)
- Hashfile 'test.txt' in line 1 ( ■$): Line-length exception (3 Replies)
- stdin mode, length limit, a lot gets rejected (2 Replies)
- Ati Mobility Radeon HD 4650 (1 Reply)
- Help for a rule or command (5 Replies)
- Nvidia Error cracking RAR hash (1 Reply)
- low speed with cudaHashcat64 (2 Replies)
- removed 1 hash found in potfile (7 Replies)
- LM to NTLM Converting (1 Reply)
- Help for a noob (3 Replies)
- My first tests (1 Reply)
- No such file or folder oclhashcat win amd (6 Replies)
- merge multiple computers with the GPU (4 Replies)
- r9 290x help (3 Replies)
- ocl v1.36 / WARN: ADL_Overdrive6_FanSpeed_Get(): -5 (10 Replies)
- low performance with prepend more than 3 characters in mask attack (5 Replies)
- Custom Charset (5 Replies)
- ERROR: No NVidia compatible platform found (2 Replies)
- Linux Mint AMD freezes (5 Replies)
- oclhashcat-"display driver stopped working....." (3 Replies)